Mantle (MNT) Coin

Mantle (MNT) 지갑

Mantle (MNT) Wallet

Mantle 지갑으로 더 많은 것을 얻으세요

이동 중에 Mantle 사용하세요

주머니에서 바로 – Mantle 로 보내고, 받고, 구매하고 더 많은 것을 하세요.


우리는 귀하의 Mantle 지갑의 개인 정보를 추적하지 않습니다.


Gem은 귀하의 데이터나 Mantle 지갑에 접근할 수 없습니다.

What Is Mantle?

Mantle, introduced by BitDAO in November 2022, is a layer 2 solution aimed at enhancing Ethereum’s scalability through optimistic and zero-knowledge rollups. It addresses Ethereum’s scalability issues, facilitating faster, cost-effective transactions. By June 2023, the transition from BIT to Mantle’s MNT tokens underscored BitDAO’s shift towards leveraging Mantle for blockchain and DeFi advancements.

What Makes Mantle Unique?

Mantle sets itself apart by combining both optimistic and zero-knowledge rollups in its architecture, a distinctive approach among Ethereum’s layer 2 solutions. This hybrid model offers a balance between the high security and scalability of zero-knowledge rollups with the compatibility and ease of integration of optimistic rollups, aiming to deliver enhanced transaction efficiency and reduced costs across the Ethereum ecosystem.

Mantle Wallet Benefits

With Mantle Wallet, your interaction with the Mantle Network world becomes secure and comfortable. Here are some key features of the wallet:

  • Open Source: Mantle Wallet is open source, ensuring trust and transparency with users.
  • Self-Custody: By choosing Mantle Wallet, you become the sole owner of the key to your crypto assets. This grants you full freedom in managing your assets but also places the responsibility for the key’s security on you.
  • Privacy and Security: We adhere to high standards of privacy and security.
  • Untraceable: We do not store users’ personal information.
  • Universality: Mantle Wallet allows you to manage your assets on any mobile device, be it iOS or Android.
  • Governance: Participate in voting and influence the development of the ecosystem with Mantle Wallet.
  • Convenience: Mantle Wallet is not just a wallet for a single blockchain. It’s a multi-currency DeFi terminal offering a wide range of blockchain services. Whether it’s sending tokens, swapping, or staking.

Try Mantle Wallet today - join the Mantle Ecosystem and the DAO philosophy.

자주 묻는 질문

6,219,316,795 MNT
Mantle은 2022년 11월 BitDAO에서 이더리움을 위한 2계층 확장 솔루션으로 발표되었습니다.
Mantle은 세계 최대 규모의 분산형 자율 조직(DAO) 중 하나인 BitDAO에서 이더리움 거래의 확장성과 효율성을 향상시키는 목표로 개발되었습니다.
지갑의 자산 페이지에서 항상 현재 가격을 확인할 수 있습니다. 가격 변동에 대한 최신 정보를 얻는 간단하고 유익한 방법입니다.

다운로드 Mantle (MNT) 지갑

사용을 시작하세요 Mantle 다음 3단계를 따라가세요:

지금 다운로드
onboarding view

1. Get 젬 지갑

젬 지갑 앱 다운로드 iOS 또는 Android.

recovery phrase screen

2. 지갑 생성

새로운 지갑을 생성하고 비밀 문구를 안전한 곳에 저장하세요.

receive crypto

3. 사용 시작 Mantle

받거나 구매 Mantle.