BitTorrent (BTT) Coin

BitTorrent (BTT) 지갑

BitTorrent (BTT) Wallet

BTT 지갑으로 더 많은 것을 얻으세요

이동 중에 BTT 사용하세요

주머니에서 바로 – BTT 로 보내고, 받고, 구매하고 더 많은 것을 하세요.


우리는 귀하의 BTT 지갑의 개인 정보를 추적하지 않습니다.


Gem은 귀하의 데이터나 BTT 지갑에 접근할 수 없습니다.

What Is BitTorrent?

BitTorrent Token (BTT) is the heartbeat of the renowned peer-to-peer sharing platform, BitTorrent. Launched on TRON’s blockchain, BTT has transformed BitTorrent into a decentralized powerhouse. With BitTorrent crypto wallet, users can easily transact, earn rewards, and more in a seamless environment.

BTT Wallet Benefits

By embracing the BitTorrent token wallet, you’re not just accessing a wallet; you’re joining a transparent and secure environment underpinned by open-source foundations:

  • Open-Source Advantage: Being open-source ensures unmatched transparency. Review, modify, or enhance – it’s a wallet by the community, for the community.
  • Superior Security: Our commitment to open-source means no hidden vulnerabilities. Experience enhanced security measures safeguarding your assets.
  • Decentralized Transactions: Store and manage your BTT with peace of mind, free from centralized constraints.
  • Speed & Rewards: Accelerate your downloads and earn BTT rewards with BitTorrent Speed.
  • Universal Accessibility: Whether you’re on BitTorrent wallet Android or BitTorrent wallet iOS, our platform delivers a consistent and secure experience.
  • BTT Features: Dive into tools like BitTorrent Speed, BitTorrent File System, and more – all under one roof.
  • Global Community: Be part of 100M+ users in the BitTorrent network, pioneering a decentralized future.
  • Transparent Operations: With our BTT wallet app, every transaction, feature, and integration is clear and open for scrutiny.

Choose BTT wallet – where open source meets the future of decentralized p2p network.

다운로드 BitTorrent (BTT) 지갑

사용을 시작하세요 BTT 다음 3단계를 따라가세요:

지금 다운로드
onboarding view

1. Get 젬 지갑

젬 지갑 앱 다운로드 iOS 또는 Android.

recovery phrase screen

2. 지갑 생성

새로운 지갑을 생성하고 비밀 문구를 안전한 곳에 저장하세요.

receive crypto

3. 사용 시작 BTT

받거나 구매 BTT.