CELO Wallet

使用你的 Celo 錢包獲取更多收益


直接在手機 App 上中操作Celo:發送、接收、購買以及更多功能。


我們不會追蹤您 Celo 錢包的任何個人信息。


Gem 無法訪問您的任何數據或 Celo 錢包。

What Is Celo?

Celo, launched in April 2020, is a blockchain ecosystem focused on increasing cryptocurrency adoption among smartphone users. It emphasizes making financial tools accessible and beneficial for users worldwide, especially those without traditional banking services. By enabling transactions via mobile phone numbers directly, Celo aims to connect unbanked populations to the global financial system.

What Makes Celo Unique?

Celo distinguishes itself by its mobile-first approach and native stablecoin, making cryptocurrency transactions straightforward and accessible on mobile devices. This unique strategy not only simplifies user experience but also increases the potential for broader adoption in regions where mobile phones are more common than bank accounts.

Celo Wallet Benefits

With Celo Wallet, you gain a powerful tool for payments and other financial services directly from your smartphone or other mobile device. Explore the main benefits of the wallet:

  • Open Source: Celo Wallet is an open-source project, maintaining trust and transparency with the community.
  • Self-Custody: By using Celo Wallet, you can be confident that only you have access to your assets and no one else. This gives you unlimited control over the wallet but also places the full responsibility for safekeeping your key on you.
  • Privacy and Security: High standards of security and privacy implemented by our wallet provide you with a reliable tool for the Celo blockchain.
  • Untraceable: We do not store any users’ personal information.
  • Universality: Following the ideology of the Celo network, Celo Wallet enables you to manage your tokens on any mobile device, whether it’s iOS or Android.
  • Governance: Participate in voting and help in the development of the ecosystem with Celo Wallet.
  • Convenience: Celo Wallet is not just a wallet for a single blockchain. It’s a multi-currency DeFi terminal offering a wide range of blockchain services, whether it’s sending tokens, buying cryptocurrency, swapping, or staking.

Download Celo Wallet today - and join the modern revolution in the financial world on smartphones with the Celo Ecosystem. Become not just a witness but a participant in the democratization of financial services.


1,000,000,000 CELO
Celo 於 2020 年 4 月創建並正式啟動。
Celo 由 Celo 基金會的研究人員、設計師和開發人員團隊開發,該基金會是一個致力於提高全球加密貨幣採用和金融包容性的非營利組織。

下載 CELO 錢包

開始使用 Celo 透過以下 3 個步驟:

onboarding view

1. 取得 Gem 錢包

下載 Gem 錢包 iOS 版安卓版

recovery phrase screen

2. 創建錢包


receive crypto

3.開始使用 Celo

接收或購買 Celo.