BOME Гаманець

BOME Wallet

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Використовуйте BOME в дорозі

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Ми не відстежуємо будь-яку особисту інформацію вашого гаманця BOME


Gem не має доступу до ваших даних або гаманця BOME.

What Is Book of Meme?

Bome is a groundbreaking Solana-based memecoin revolutionizing web3 culture by integrating memes, decentralized storage, and degenerate shitcoin trading. At its core, Bome powers the BOOK OF MEME, an experimental project immortalizing meme culture on the blockchain. With links to images stored on IPFS, Arweave, and on-chain metadata, Bome fosters a decentralized social media ecosystem while offering tools to create memes and a CC0 Meme Clipart Collection. Discover Bome - the ultimate memecoin on the most degenerate chain.

What Makes Bome Unique?

Bome stands out among other memecoins with a more global approach. Unlike classic memecoins that are centered around a single meme, Bome adheres ideologically to the concept of a meme collection, allowing for the storage and creation of memes on the blockchain. Another important distinguishing feature of Bome from other memecoins is that it is built on the Solana blockchain in the form of SPL tokens. While Solana is a progressive blockchain, it is relatively young compared to the memecoin cornerstone, Ethereum.

Bome Wallet Benefits

The best Bome wallet for your memes!

  • Self-Custodial: Bome Wallet ensures full and sole access to your assets. No one else has access to the key.

  • Open Source: Bome Wallet has open-source code, essential for maintaining high security and transparency standards for users.

  • Security: We continuously improve and monitor all current trends in computer security. By choosing Bome Wallet, you get a secure wallet with a high level of privacy for your personal data.

  • Solana Friendly: Bome Wallet is not just a wallet for Bome; it’s a full-fledged multi-currency crypto wallet that works well with the Solana ecosystem and SPL tokens. Make transfers, swaps, authorizations in dApps, and much more.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The convenient and simple interface of Bome Wallet will delight you with its powerful functionality - whether it’s swapping, purchasing with a credit card, or simple transfers, all functions work intuitively and simply.

  • Accessibility: Bome Wallet is always available to you regardless of your device. Whether it’s Android or iOS, your wallet will always be with you.

Become part of the Solana community and Bome in particular - download Bome Wallet today

Download BOME Wallet

Start using BOME with Gem Wallet by following these 3 steps:

Завантажити зараз
onboarding view

1. Отримайте Gem Гаманець

Завантажити Gem Гаманець Додаток для iOS або Android.

recovery phrase screen

2. Створіть гаманець

Створіть новий гаманець і збережіть секретну фразу у безпечному місці

receive crypto

3. Почніть користуватися BOME

Отримати або Купити BOME.