Zignaly (ZIG) Coin

Zignaly (ZIG) محفظة

Zignaly (ZIG) Wallet

احصل على المزيد مع محفظتك ZIG

استخدم ZIG أثناء التنقل

مباشرة من جيبك - أرسل واستقبل واشترِ والمزيد باستخدام ZIG الخاص بك.


نحن لا نتتبع أي معلومات شخصية خاصة بمحفظتك ZIG


ليس لدى Gem إمكانية الوصول إلى أي من بياناتك أو محفظتك ZIG.

What Is Zignaly?

Zignaly is an investment platform, an authorized partner of Binance, bringing together traders and investors into a unified and mutually beneficial copy trading system. Zignaly has developed Profit Sharing, allowing investors to invest capital in selected traders or groups of traders in just a few clicks. Unlike competitors, Zignaly has several advantages, both in terms of security (all investor accounts operate under the protection and supervision of Binance - the largest and most authoritative exchange) and in terms of functionality (Zignaly provides comprehensive trader statistics, helping investors choose the best offers).

What Is Token ZIG?

ZIG is the token of the Zignaly platform that provides various benefits to its owners. For example, token holders receive a discount on platform fees. Additionally, it serves as an investment instrument in itself, as ZIG tokens are burned, and various contests and airdrops are conducted. For convenient management of the ZIG token, considering that the token is issued on different networks (SPL, ERC20, BEP20), you will need the Zignaly Wallet, which offers extensive functionality for managing various networks and coins.

Zignaly Wallet Benefits

Here are several reasons why you should choose Zignaly Wallet as your wallet for managing your ZIG coins:

  1. Open Source: Zignaly Wallet has open-source code, maintaining transparency to its users and security researchers.

  2. Self-Custody: By using Zignaly Wallet, only you have access to your crypto assets. Your access key remains solely in your hands.

  3. Privacy and Security: Zignaly Wallet boasts a high level of security for both crypto assets and user data.

  4. Universality: Download Zignaly Wallet on any mobile device, whether it’s iOS or Android.

  5. Convenience: The convenient and sleek interface of Zignaly Wallet, coupled with its wide functionality, allows you to fully utilize the wallet with the Zignaly platform. Replenish and withdraw not only ZIG but also other cryptocurrencies, use staking within the wallet, and authorize through Wallet Connect - this is far from all the functionality that will be available to you after installing the wallet.

Immerse yourself in the world of copy trading with Profit Sharing from Zignaly, and Zignaly Wallet will become your faithful assistant in managing, preserving, and multiplying your crypto assets!

تحميل Zignaly (ZIG) محفظة

ابدأ الاستخدام ZIG باتباع الخطوات الثلاث التالية:

تحميل الآن
onboarding view

1. احصل على محفظة جيم

قم بتنزيل تطبيق محفظة جيم لنظام iOS أو Android.

recovery phrase screen

2. إنشاء محفظة

قم بإنشاء محفظة جديدة وقم بتخزين العبارة السرية في مكان آمن

receive crypto

3. ابدأ في الاستخدام ZIG

استلام أو شراء ZIG.