Mantle (MNT) Coin

Mantle (MNT) محفظة

Mantle (MNT) Wallet

احصل على المزيد مع محفظتك Mantle

استخدم Mantle أثناء التنقل

مباشرة من جيبك - أرسل واستقبل واشترِ والمزيد باستخدام Mantle الخاص بك.


نحن لا نتتبع أي معلومات شخصية خاصة بمحفظتك Mantle


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What Is Mantle?

Mantle, introduced by BitDAO in November 2022, is a layer 2 solution aimed at enhancing Ethereum’s scalability through optimistic and zero-knowledge rollups. It addresses Ethereum’s scalability issues, facilitating faster, cost-effective transactions. By June 2023, the transition from BIT to Mantle’s MNT tokens underscored BitDAO’s shift towards leveraging Mantle for blockchain and DeFi advancements.

What Makes Mantle Unique?

Mantle sets itself apart by combining both optimistic and zero-knowledge rollups in its architecture, a distinctive approach among Ethereum’s layer 2 solutions. This hybrid model offers a balance between the high security and scalability of zero-knowledge rollups with the compatibility and ease of integration of optimistic rollups, aiming to deliver enhanced transaction efficiency and reduced costs across the Ethereum ecosystem.

Mantle Wallet Benefits

With Mantle Wallet, your interaction with the Mantle Network world becomes secure and comfortable. Here are some key features of the wallet:

  • Open Source: Mantle Wallet is open source, ensuring trust and transparency with users.
  • Self-Custody: By choosing Mantle Wallet, you become the sole owner of the key to your crypto assets. This grants you full freedom in managing your assets but also places the responsibility for the key’s security on you.
  • Privacy and Security: We adhere to high standards of privacy and security.
  • Untraceable: We do not store users’ personal information.
  • Universality: Mantle Wallet allows you to manage your assets on any mobile device, be it iOS or Android.
  • Governance: Participate in voting and influence the development of the ecosystem with Mantle Wallet.
  • Convenience: Mantle Wallet is not just a wallet for a single blockchain. It’s a multi-currency DeFi terminal offering a wide range of blockchain services. Whether it’s sending tokens, swapping, or staking.

Try Mantle Wallet today - join the Mantle Ecosystem and the DAO philosophy.

الأسئلة الشائعة

6,219,316,795 MNT
تم الإعلان عن Mantle بواسطة BitDAO في نوفمبر 2022 كحل لتوسيع الطبقة 2 لـ Ethereum.
تم تطوير Mantle بواسطة BitDAO، إحدى أكبر المنظمات المستقلة اللامركزية (DAOs) في العالم، بهدف تعزيز قابلية التوسع وكفاءة معاملات Ethereum.
يمكنك دائمًا التحقق من السعر الحالي على صفحة الأصول في محفظتك. إنها طريقة بسيطة ومفيدة للبقاء على اطلاع دائم بحركة الأسعار.

تحميل Mantle (MNT) محفظة

ابدأ الاستخدام Mantle باتباع الخطوات الثلاث التالية:

تحميل الآن
onboarding view

1. احصل على محفظة جيم

قم بتنزيل تطبيق محفظة جيم لنظام iOS أو Android.

recovery phrase screen

2. إنشاء محفظة

قم بإنشاء محفظة جديدة وقم بتخزين العبارة السرية في مكان آمن

receive crypto

3. ابدأ في الاستخدام Mantle

استلام أو شراء Mantle.