Cardano (ADA) Coin

Cardano (ADA) Carteira

Cardano (ADA) Wallet

Obtenha mais com sua carteira ADA

Use ADA em qualquer lugar

Diretamente do seu bolso – Envie, Receba, Compre e muito mais com seu ADA.


Não rastreamos nenhuma informação pessoal da sua carteira ADA


Gem não tem acesso a nenhum dos seus dados ou à carteira ADA.

What Is Cardano?

Cardano is a trailblazing blockchain platform, anchored on a proof-of-stake mechanism. Its native cryptocurrency, ADA, empowers users with unparalleled security, transparency, and control, making it a top choice in the decentralized finance landscape.

Cardano (ADA) Wallet Benefits

The Cardano wallet, an evolution in the crypto world, offers a myriad of benefits:

  • Open-Source Trust: Gem wallet, being open-source, ensures higher transparency and security. With the community’s eyes constantly reviewing, rest assured, you have the best defenses against potential threats.

  • Versatility: Whether you’re seeking the robustness of a self-custodial ADA wallet for safeguarding assets or a solution designed for quick access and efficient transactions, our Cardano wallet caters to your specific needs.

  • User-Centric Design: The Cardano wallet app is intuitive and user-friendly. Navigate your ADA holdings effortlessly, regardless of your crypto expertise.

  • Staking Rewards: Stake your assets within our ADA wallet and enjoy passive rewards, giving a healthy boost to your digital portfolio.

  • Transparency: Every move, every Cardano wallet address is documented with utmost clarity, offering you full insight over your investments.

  • Adaptable: Our ADA wallet is versatile, catering to iOS and Android.

  • Efficient Updates: Stay ahead with our new Cardano wallet updates. As the Cardano network evolves, we ensure you’re equipped with the latest tools and features.

Experience not just a cryptocurrency, but the future of decentralized finance. Unlock endless possibilities with our ADA wallet.

Download Cardano (ADA) Wallet

Start using ADA with Gem Wallet by following these 3 steps:

Faça o download agora
onboarding view

1. Obter Carteira Gem

Baixe o aplicativo Carteira Gem para iOS ou Android.

recovery phrase screen

2. Crie uma carteira

Crie uma nova carteira e armazene a frase secreta em algum lugar seguro

receive crypto

3. Comece a usar ADA

Receba ou Compre ADA.