BitTorrent (BTT) Coin

BitTorrent (BTT) Plånbok

BitTorrent (BTT) Wallet

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What Is BitTorrent?

BitTorrent Token (BTT) is the heartbeat of the renowned peer-to-peer sharing platform, BitTorrent. Launched on TRON’s blockchain, BTT has transformed BitTorrent into a decentralized powerhouse. With BitTorrent crypto wallet, users can easily transact, earn rewards, and more in a seamless environment.

BTT Wallet Benefits

By embracing the BitTorrent token wallet, you’re not just accessing a wallet; you’re joining a transparent and secure environment underpinned by open-source foundations:

  • Open-Source Advantage: Being open-source ensures unmatched transparency. Review, modify, or enhance – it’s a wallet by the community, for the community.
  • Superior Security: Our commitment to open-source means no hidden vulnerabilities. Experience enhanced security measures safeguarding your assets.
  • Decentralized Transactions: Store and manage your BTT with peace of mind, free from centralized constraints.
  • Speed & Rewards: Accelerate your downloads and earn BTT rewards with BitTorrent Speed.
  • Universal Accessibility: Whether you’re on BitTorrent wallet Android or BitTorrent wallet iOS, our platform delivers a consistent and secure experience.
  • BTT Features: Dive into tools like BitTorrent Speed, BitTorrent File System, and more – all under one roof.
  • Global Community: Be part of 100M+ users in the BitTorrent network, pioneering a decentralized future.
  • Transparent Operations: With our BTT wallet app, every transaction, feature, and integration is clear and open for scrutiny.

Choose BTT wallet – where open source meets the future of decentralized p2p network.

Ladda ner BitTorrent (BTT) Plånbok

Börja använda BTT genom att följa dessa 3 steg:

Ladda ner nu
onboarding view

1. Skaffa Gem plånbok

Ladda ned Gem plånbok App för iOS eller Android.

recovery phrase screen

2. Skapa en plånbok

Skapa en ny plånbok och förvara den hemliga frasen någonstans säkert

receive crypto

3. Börja använda BTT

Ta emot eller Köp BTT.